Amadasun, Uyiosa Philip. Autonomous search of real-life environments combining dynamical system-based path planning and unsupervised learning. MS thesis. San Diego State University, 2024.
Kartikeyan, Balaji C., et al. "Application of Sensor Fusion for Attitude Estimation of an Aircraft in Approach Phase." AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum. 2024.
Ahuraka, Farida, et al. "Chaotic Motion Planning for Mobile Robots: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities." IEEE Access 11 (2023): 134917-134939.
B. Healy, P. McNamee and Z. N. Ahmadabadi, "Feature Aggregation in Joint Sound Classification and Localization Neural Networks," in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3438947.
McNamee, Patrick, Miroslav Krstić, and Zahra Nili Ahmadabadi. "Extremum Seeking is Stable for Scalar Maps that are Strictly but Not Strongly Convex." arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.12908 (2024).
K. Sridharan, Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, and J.Hudack, Online search of uncertain terrains using a dynamical system-based path planning approach, arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.11863 (2021).
K. Sridharan, and Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, A multi-system chaotic path planner for fast and unpredictable online coverage of terrains, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020, 5(4), 5268-5275.
B. Chandrasekaran, J. Steck, and Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, A vision-based parameter estimation for an aircraft in approach phase, In AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, p. 1395. 2021.
S. Emmanuel, Y.Yimesker, and Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, E. Boldsaikhan, Planetary gear train microcrack detection using vibration data and convolutional neural networks. Neural Computing and Applications, 33(24), 17223-17243.
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, F. Laville, and R. Guilbault, Time domain identification and ranking of noise sources of a pneumatic nailing device, Applied Acoustics, 2016, 114, 191–202.
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, S.E. Khadem, Nonlinear vibration control and energy harvesting of a beam using a nonlinear energy sink and a piezoelectric device, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333(19), 4444–4457.
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, Nonlinear energy transfer from an engine crankshaft to an essentially nonlinear attachment, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, 443, 139-154.
Z.Nili Ahmadabadi, R. Guilbault, and F.Laville, Nonlinear dynamic modeling of pneumatic nailing devices, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 2019, 25(2), 195-223.
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, F.Laville, and R.Guilbault, Studying of the noise sources in a pneumatic nail-gun process, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2015, 138(3), 1937-1937.
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, S.E. Khadem, Analytical study of acceleration waves on a nonlinear, externally damped string, Acta Mechanica, 2015, 226 (12), 4087-4097.
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, S.E. Khadem, Nonlinear vibration control of a cantilever beam by a nonlinear energy sink, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2012, 50, 134-149.
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, S.E. Khadem, Annihilation of high-amplitude periodic responses of a forced two degrees-of-freedom oscillatory system using nonlinear energy sink, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2013, 19 (16), 2401-2412.
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, S.E. Khadem, Self-excited oscillations attenuation of drill-string system using nonlinear energy sink, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2012, 227 (2), 230-245.
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, Noise source identification and dynamic modeling of a pneumatic nailing device, Diss. École de technologie supérieure, 2016.
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, and S.E. Khadem, Optimal vibration control and energy scavenging using collocated nonlinear energy sinks and piezoelectric elements, ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2018.
@mastersthesis{amadasun2024autonomous, title={Autonomous search of real-life environments combining dynamical system-based path planning and unsupervised learning}, author={Amadasun, Uyiosa Philip}, year={2024}, school={San Diego State University} }
Kartikeyan, Balaji C., et al. "Application of Sensor Fusion for Attitude Estimation of an Aircraft in Approach Phase." AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum. 2024.
@inproceedings{kartikeyan2024application, title={Application of Sensor Fusion for Attitude Estimation of an Aircraft in Approach Phase}, author={Kartikeyan, Balaji C and Steck, James and Ahmadabadi, Zahra Nili and Johnson, Noah}, booktitle={AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum}, pages={2617}, year={2024} }
Ahuraka, Farida, et al. "Chaotic Motion Planning for Mobile Robots: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities." IEEE Access 11 (2023): 134917-134939.
@article{ahuraka2023chaotic, title={Chaotic Motion Planning for Mobile Robots: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities}, author={Ahuraka, Farida and Mcnamee, Patrick and Wang, Qixu and Ahmadabadi, Zahra Nili and Hudack, Jeffrey}, journal={IEEE Access}, volume={11}, pages={134917--134939}, year={2023}, publisher={IEEE} }
B. Healy, P. McNamee and Z. N. Ahmadabadi, "Feature Aggregation in Joint Sound Classification and Localization Neural Networks," in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3438947.
@article{healy2024feature, title={Feature Aggregation in Joint Sound Classification and Localization Neural Networks}, author={Healy, Brendan and McNamee, Patrick and Ahmadabadi, Zahra Nili}, journal={IEEE Access}, year={2024}, publisher={IEEE} }
McNamee, Patrick, Miroslav Krstić, and Zahra Nili Ahmadabadi. "Extremum Seeking is Stable for Scalar Maps that are Strictly but Not Strongly Convex." arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.12908 (2024).
@article{mcnamee2024extremum, title={Extremum Seeking is Stable for Scalar Maps that are Strictly but Not Strongly Convex}, author={McNamee, Patrick and Krsti{\'c}, Miroslav and Ahmadabadi, Zahra Nili}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.12908}, year={2024} }
K. Sridharan, Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, and J.Hudack, Online search of uncertain terrains using a dynamical system-based path planning approach, arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.11863 (2021).
K. Sridharan, and Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, A multi-system chaotic path planner for fast and unpredictable online coverage of terrains, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020, 5(4), 5268-5275.
@article{sridharan2020multi, title={A Multi-System Chaotic Path Planner for Fast and Unpredictable Online Coverage of Terrains}, author={Sridharan, Karan and Ahmadabadi, Zahra Nili}, journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, volume={5}, number={4}, pages={5268--5275}, year={2020}, publisher={IEEE} }
B. Chandrasekaran, J. Steck, and Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, A vision-based parameter estimation for an aircraft in approach phase, In AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, p. 1395. 2021.
@ARTICLE{10623458, author={Healy, Brendan and McNamee, Patrick and Ahmadabadi, Zahra Nili}, journal={IEEE Access}, title={Feature Aggregation in Joint Sound Classification and Localization Neural Networks}, year={2024}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-1}, keywords={Feature extraction;Neural networks;Computer architecture;Interpolation;Tensors;Task analysis;Convolution;Joint sound signal classification and localization;Multi-task deep learning;Feature aggregation}, doi={10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3438947}}
S. Emmanuel, Y.Yimesker, and Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, E. Boldsaikhan, Planetary gear train microcrack detection using vibration data and convolutional neural networks. Neural Computing and Applications, 33(24), 17223-17243.
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, F. Laville, and R. Guilbault, Time domain identification and ranking of noise sources of a pneumatic nailing device, Applied Acoustics, 2016, 114, 191–202.
@article{ahmadabadi2016time, title={Time domain identification and ranking of noise sources in a pneumatic nail gun}, author={Ahmadabadi, Z Nili and Laville, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Guilbault, Raynald}, journal={Applied Acoustics}, volume={114}, pages={191--202}, year={2016}, publisher={Elsevier} }
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, S.E. Khadem, Nonlinear vibration control and energy harvesting of a beam using a nonlinear energy sink and a piezoelectric device, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333(19), 4444–4457.
@article{ahmadabadi2014nonlinear, title={Nonlinear vibration control and energy harvesting of a beam using a nonlinear energy sink and a piezoelectric device}, author={Ahmadabadi, Z Nili and Khadem, SE}, journal={Journal of Sound and Vibration}, volume={333}, number={19}, pages={4444--4457}, year={2014}, publisher={Elsevier} }
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, Nonlinear energy transfer from an engine crankshaft to an essentially nonlinear attachment, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, 443, 139-154.
@article{ahmadabadi2019nonlinear, title={Nonlinear energy transfer from an engine crankshaft to an essentially nonlinear attachment}, author={Ahmadabadi, Z Nili}, journal={Journal of Sound and Vibration}, volume={443}, pages={139--154}, year={2019}, publisher={Elsevier} }
Z.Nili Ahmadabadi, R. Guilbault, and F.Laville, Nonlinear dynamic modeling of pneumatic nailing devices, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 2019, 25(2), 195-223.
@article{nili2019nonlinear, title={Nonlinear dynamic modeling of pneumatic nailing devices}, author={Nili Ahmadabadi, Z and Guilbault, Raynald and Laville, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric}, journal={Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems}, volume={25}, number={2}, pages={195--223}, year={2019}, publisher={Taylor \& Francis} }
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, F.Laville, and R.Guilbault, Studying of the noise sources in a pneumatic nail-gun process, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2015, 138(3), 1937-1937.
@article{nili2015studying, title={Studying of the noise sources in a pneumatic nail-gun process}, author={Nili Ahmadabadi, Zahra and Laville, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Guilbault, Raynald}, journal={The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, volume={138}, number={3}, pages={1937--1937}, year={2015}, publisher={Acoustical Society of America} }
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, S.E. Khadem, Analytical study of acceleration waves on a nonlinear, externally damped string, Acta Mechanica, 2015, 226 (12), 4087-4097.
@article{ahmadabadi2015analytical, title={Analytical study of acceleration waves on a nonlinear, externally damped string}, author={Ahmadabadi, Z Nili and Khadem, SE}, journal={Acta Mechanica}, volume={226}, number={12}, pages={4087--4097}, year={2015}, publisher={Springer} }
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, S.E. Khadem, Nonlinear vibration control of a cantilever beam by a nonlinear energy sink, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2012, 50, 134-149.
@article{ahmadabadi2012nonlinear, title={Nonlinear vibration control of a cantilever beam by a nonlinear energy sink}, author={Ahmadabadi, Z Nili and Khadem, SE}, journal={Mechanism and Machine Theory}, volume={50}, pages={134--149}, year={2012}, publisher={Elsevier} }
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, S.E. Khadem, Annihilation of high-amplitude periodic responses of a forced two degrees-of-freedom oscillatory system using nonlinear energy sink, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2013, 19 (16), 2401-2412.
@article{ahmadabadi2013annihilation, title={Annihilation of high-amplitude periodic responses of a forced two degrees-of-freedom oscillatory system using nonlinear energy sink}, author={Ahmadabadi, Zahra Nili and Khadem, Siamak E}, journal={Journal of Vibration and Control}, volume={19}, number={16}, pages={2401--2412}, year={2013}, publisher={Sage Publications Sage UK: London, England} }
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, S.E. Khadem, Self-excited oscillations attenuation of drill-string system using nonlinear energy sink, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2012, 227 (2), 230-245.
@article{ahmadabadi2013self, title={Self-excited oscillations attenuation of drill-string system using nonlinear energy sink}, author={Ahmadabadi, Z Nili and Khadem, SE}, journal={Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science}, volume={227}, number={2}, pages={230--245}, year={2013}, publisher={SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England} }
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, Noise source identification and dynamic modeling of a pneumatic nailing device, Diss. École de technologie supérieure, 2016.
@phdthesis{nili2016noise, title={Noise source identification and dynamic modeling of a pneumatic nailing device}, author={Nili Ahmadabadi, Zahra}, year={2016}, school={{\'E}cole de technologie sup{\'e}rieure} }
Z. Nili Ahmadabadi, and S.E. Khadem, Optimal vibration control and energy scavenging using collocated nonlinear energy sinks and piezoelectric elements, ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2018.
@inproceedings{ahmadabadi2018optimal, title={Optimal vibration control and energy scavenging using collocated nonlinear energy sinks and piezoelectric elements}, author={Ahmadabadi, Zahra Nili and Khadem, Siamak Esmaeilzadeh}, booktitle={ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition}, volume={52040}, pages={V04BT06A019}, year={2018}, organization={American Society of Mechanical Engineers} }